Thursday, November 4, 2010

Running Mama x5....

A suitable title for my very first attempt at a blog.  Running mama I AM!!!  Now, the use of the term "running mama" may have changed for me a bit in the last year.  I am the mommy to 5 kiddos 10 and under, so running I am and running I do.  They keep me busy, busy, busy, yet, within the last year and a half I have found a new meaning to the word "running."  It's been a long journey, but a very enjoyable one.  Once I thought that I would only "run" if I were running to a great sale at Gymboree, but times have changed sista.  I am now a RUNNER!!  There, I said it!!  Like I said, I have been running for 1 1/2 years on and off and still hesistate at the thought of calling myself a "runner".  Maybe there comes an accountability with the term that I haven't been quite ready to live up to.  Maybe it's the fear that I may fail, or maybe the fear that I will have to live up to the title I have given myself.  But I've gone and said it, I am a RUNNER!!

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to reading your blog. I just started running in July. I too, decided it was time to do something for myself. For years I have been my six kids' cheerleader at all their sporting events. Our lives seem so similar.June 2009, I made the decision to get this weight off once and forever. I lost 73 pounds and now will try to become a true runner. Anyway got to your blog from the dailymile. Oh BTW, you run a heck of a lot faster than me!
