Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Calling all treadmill lovers

  Do I hear an echo?  Am I the only one out there?  Please tell me I'm not the only one who loves a good treadmill run.  I've heard many references about the "dreadmill", none of which are good.  Seems as if all "real" runners hate to pound away miles on the TM.  Which, makes me hesitant to even admit my addiction. 
  I have learned in recent months to completely enjoy my outdoor runs.  They have evolved from 3 mile jaunts, to 13 mile long runs in the beautiful outdoors, but...I still have no complaints regarding the days I have to pound the motorized belt. 
  Yes, I do know where this love affair with the treadmill got started.  I lost 60 lbs in the last 2 years on the treadmill.  Before I became a "real" runner I was comfortable in my secluded basement on the machine.  Now that I do consider myself a "real" runner, I find that I can accomplish my pace and speed goals much easier on the treadmill than on the road.  I'm sure it's a matter of confidence and discipline, but when that belt is movin', my feet find a way to keep up.  Just tonight I did my fast 10K pace (8:54) and it felt great.  The treadmill does great things for my confidence.  So, I'll take an outside run any day of the week, but when the need arises I have no qualms about turning to my first love.  I love you MAN!!


  1. I like the treadmill for anything less than 6 miles-ish. Then I get bored fast. It's easier for me to give up on the 'mill whereas once I have run out to who-knows-where I have to get back and there is no calling it quits early.

    But all my speed stuff (intervals, tempos, etc) are on the treadmill. Easier to keep the exact pace I want.

  2. I like short runs and speedwork on a treadmill, too. Long runs get boring and I have to split them up with a water/potty break!

  3. I am starting to really like my outdoor runs as my runs have gotten longer, but I insist on the treadmill for speedwork. I can't seem to get myself to do sprint intervals outside. Doesn't seem right unless I'm sprinting to a finish line.LOL
