Friday, November 5, 2010

Really???? Am I getting THAT old?

  So, I skipped the 5:45 a.m. appointment with the gym to find comfort in the warmth of my cozy bed.  Naughty, naughty girl!!!  I ran 3 easy miles yesterday, followed by 2 miles of speedwork and I became alarmingly aware of the volume at which my knees were screaming obscenities at me.  I ran my longest run to date last weekend, the BIG 13.1 miles.  I thought I was ready for the mileage, but I'm wondering if my body was ready.  Since then, I have been icing on and off, rolling my calves and shins with a rolling pin, and even applying some Cryogel that I got from a recent swag bag.   I am hoping for another long run this weekend, atleast 10 miles, so I'm hoping I can muster up the courage to get out there and get movin'.  I'm hoping to get out this evening for a short run, so we'll see how it goes.  Cross your fingers and toes for me!!

What do you do for your aches and pains?  Any tips or tricks I haven't tried? 


  1. Congrats on your first 13.1!
    Where do your knees hurt? If it's the outside bottom, it could actually be your IT band. Do you roll that as well as your calves? Give it a shot. Hope it helps!
    Other things I love are ice baths and compression sleeves/socks/tights.

  2. I have just invested in compression sleeves and I do love them. Tell me about an ice bath. I've heard of them plenty, but just don't get it. HOw in the world do you get in to a tub filled with ice. YIKES. My knee hurts pretty much all over. I've been plagues with knee injuries since shortly after highs school, so it comes and goes.
