Monday, April 4, 2011

Most excellent adventure

Okay, maybe not an adventure, but compared to the miles and miles I put in on the treadmill this winter, a romp around our small little town 4 times was quite an adventure to me.  I put in several outside runs last week.  The first was horrid and painful to the ego, then they progressively got better.  My goal Sat. was to start at a decent 10K pace to test my confidence for an upcoming Earth Day race, run the 6.2, rest or walk a bit, and then finish out with 5 or 6 easy miles.  I decided to carry my water in a new Athleta hand held I had purchased, but wasn't really crazy about carrying something.  I carried it the first 3 miles then flung it in my sisters yard on the way by.  I didn't bring any mid run fuel, mostly because I haven't found anything that I like.  I tried to stay at a 9:00 pace or below for the first 6.  Success!!  I finished in 54:54, which is something like 8:49 I think.  I'm gonna shoot for 8:40 on race day.  I slowed the pace after the first 10K and finished with a total of 11.25 miles.  My pace for the day was 9:47.  Not bad at all for my first long run.  I was hoping my legs wouldn't be screaming at me for going from 3.25 miles to 11.25, but so far they've felt good.  I iced and used the stick several times and I will run some repeats tonight at the gym, so we'll see.  Feeling pretty confident for next weeks race.

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